Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Logical Systems


One of the big enterprise in early 20th following the concept to reduce to a must simple explanation, Russell took upon the simple stamen 1+1 =2, at the same time a profound stamen, where to consider such enterprise Peano Postulate, for Russell was to bridge argument logic with procedural logic. Peano Assumes the at least there is one empty set, hence we can deduce element of one, the problem, become context empty set is not an element. Gödel (On Formally Undecidable Positions of Principia Mathematica and Related System, Dover Edition 1962) propose the long a stamen is consistence then there is validity. Cantor introduction of validation by negation and Kroncker consider validation only by deduction, the controversies was a bout procedure, but Russell question is about context--meaning. Argument logic is only about context, a syllogism will All humans are bipedal so, Aristotle is a bipedal, hence Aristotle is Human, but Humans are not the only bipedal—more over Aristotle is assigned, not necessarily a Human, just an assumption.

The fact the procedural logic does not dependent on context by consistence, made an impossible to bridge gap can be created, become two separated identities.

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